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PubMed:29969449 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9 657-673 NegReg denotes loss-of-function
T10 674-681 Var denotes mutants
T5 849-858 PosReg denotes increased
T6 859-882 CPA denotes cell death in the brain
T7 889-897 NegReg denotes decrease
T8 901-923 CPA denotes differentiated neurons
T1 952-957 Gene denotes bud13
T2 959-971 Gene denotes snip1 (pml1)
T3 976-989 Gene denotes rbmx2 (snu17)
T4 990-997 Var denotes mutants
T11 1016-1022 NegReg denotes defect
T12 1026-1041 MPA denotes intron splicing
T13 1055-1090 MPA denotes mis-splicing of a subset of introns
R1 T10 T9 CauseOf mutants,loss-of-function
R10 T12 T11 ThemeOf intron splicing,defect
R11 T13 T12 ThemeOf mis-splicing of a subset of introns,intron splicing
R2 T9 T5 CauseOf loss-of-function,increased
R3 T9 T7 CauseOf loss-of-function,decrease
R4 T6 T5 ThemeOf cell death in the brain,increased
R5 T8 T7 ThemeOf differentiated neurons,decrease
R6 T3 T4 ThemeOf rbmx2 (snu17),mutants
R7 T2 T4 ThemeOf snip1 (pml1),mutants
R8 T1 T4 ThemeOf bud13,mutants
R9 T4 T11 CauseOf mutants,defect


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9 657-673 NegReg denotes loss-of-function
T10 674-681 Var denotes mutants
T5 849-858 PosReg denotes increased
T6 859-882 CPA denotes cell death in the brain
T7 889-897 NegReg denotes decrease
T8 901-923 CPA denotes differentiated neurons
T1 952-957 Gene denotes bud13
T2 959-971 Gene denotes snip1 (pml1)
T3 976-989 Gene denotes rbmx2 (snu17)
T4 990-997 Var denotes mutants
T11 1016-1022 NegReg denotes defect
T12 1026-1041 MPA denotes intron splicing
T13 1055-1090 MPA denotes mis-splicing of a subset of introns
R1 T10 T9 CauseOf mutants,loss-of-function
R10 T12 T11 ThemeOf intron splicing,defect
R11 T13 T12 ThemeOf mis-splicing of a subset of introns,intron splicing
R2 T9 T5 CauseOf loss-of-function,increased
R3 T9 T7 CauseOf loss-of-function,decrease
R4 T6 T5 ThemeOf cell death in the brain,increased
R5 T8 T7 ThemeOf differentiated neurons,decrease
R6 T3 T4 ThemeOf rbmx2 (snu17),mutants
R7 T2 T4 ThemeOf snip1 (pml1),mutants
R8 T1 T4 ThemeOf bud13,mutants
R9 T4 T11 CauseOf mutants,defect