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PubMed:2680131 JSONTXT

[Characterization of the enterotoxigenic strains of Escherichia coli isolated from children with diarrhea in Popular Democratic Republic Lao]. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) of infant origin from the Popular Democratic Republic Lao were characterized with respect to there 0 serogroups, biotypes, anti-bioresistances, fimbrial antigens and types of enterotoxins produced. Enterotoxin production was determined by the suckling mice assay, competitive GM1-erythroassay, and cell cultures (CHOK1 and Y1). The presence of genes encoding for the enterotoxins was determined by colony hybridization by using radioactive DNA probes. Profile plasmids from ETEC strains were studied. The plasmids encoding for heat-labile enterotoxin were studied with an acetyl-aminofluorene modified probe.

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