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PubMed:21983717 JSONTXT

[Identification of mutations in PKD1 and PKD2 genes in two Chinese families with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease]. OBJECTIVE: To identify the responsible mutation of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) in two Chinese families. METHODS: Total genomic DNA of all available family members and 100 unrelated healthy controls was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes using a standard phenol-chloroform procedure. All exons with intronic flanking sequences of the PKD1 and PKD2 genes in the probands were amplified by PCR. Mutations were detected directly by DNA sequencing. To evaluate the pathogenicity of the variations, family and control based analyses were performed. RESULTS: Five sequence variants were identified in the two families including PKD1 :c.2469G to A, PKD1:c.5014_5015delAG, PKD1:c.10529 C to T, PKD2:c.568G to A and PKD2:c.2020 1_2020delAG. Among them, PKD1:c.2469G to A and PKD2:c.2020 1_2020 delAG were novel mutations. Furthermore, the frameshift and splicing site mutations detected in the affected individuals were not detected in their unaffected relatives and 100 unrelated normal controls. CONCLUSION: PKD1:c.5014_5015delAG and PKD2:c.2020 1_2020delAG are the responsible mutations of family A and B, respectively, and PKD2:c.2020 1_2020delAG is a de novo mutation.

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