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PubMed:21622100 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 0-66 Sentence denotes The roles of adenosine and adenosine receptors in bone remodeling.
T2 67-249 Sentence denotes Adenosine regulates a wide variety of physiological processes including heart rate, vasodilation and inflammation through the activation of specific cell surface adenosine receptors.
T3 250-422 Sentence denotes In addition to these well-established roles of adenosine, recent genetic and pharmacological research has implicated adenosine as an important regulator in bone remodeling.
T4 423-529 Sentence denotes The secretion of adenosine and the presence of its four receptors in bone cells have been well documented.
T5 530-797 Sentence denotes More recently, we provided the first evidence that adenosine regulates osteoclast formation and function through A1 receptor (A1R), and showed that A1R-knockout mice have significantly increased bone volume as a result of impaired osteoclast-mediated bone resorption.
T6 798-973 Sentence denotes Moreover, adenosine A1R-knockout mice are protective from boss loss following ovariectomy further supporting the involvement of adenosine in osteoclast formation and function.
T7 974-1112 Sentence denotes This short review summarizes current knowledge related to the roles of adenosine and adenosine receptors in bone formation and remodeling.
T8 1113-1251 Sentence denotes A deeper insight into the regulation of bone metabolism by adenosine receptors should assist in developing new therapies for osteoporosis.
T1 0-66 Sentence denotes The roles of adenosine and adenosine receptors in bone remodeling.
T2 67-249 Sentence denotes Adenosine regulates a wide variety of physiological processes including heart rate, vasodilation and inflammation through the activation of specific cell surface adenosine receptors.
T3 250-422 Sentence denotes In addition to these well-established roles of adenosine, recent genetic and pharmacological research has implicated adenosine as an important regulator in bone remodeling.
T4 423-529 Sentence denotes The secretion of adenosine and the presence of its four receptors in bone cells have been well documented.
T5 530-797 Sentence denotes More recently, we provided the first evidence that adenosine regulates osteoclast formation and function through A1 receptor (A1R), and showed that A1R-knockout mice have significantly increased bone volume as a result of impaired osteoclast-mediated bone resorption.
T6 798-973 Sentence denotes Moreover, adenosine A1R-knockout mice are protective from boss loss following ovariectomy further supporting the involvement of adenosine in osteoclast formation and function.
T7 974-1112 Sentence denotes This short review summarizes current knowledge related to the roles of adenosine and adenosine receptors in bone formation and remodeling.
T8 1113-1251 Sentence denotes A deeper insight into the regulation of bone metabolism by adenosine receptors should assist in developing new therapies for osteoporosis.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 1238-1250 HP_0000939 denotes osteoporosis


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
SS1_21622100_4_0 643-654 expanded denotes A1 receptor
SS2_21622100_4_0 656-659 abbr denotes A1R
AE1_21622100_4_0 SS1_21622100_4_0 SS2_21622100_4_0 abbreviatedTo A1 receptor,A1R