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PubMed:16371368 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue uberon_id
T1 246-254 Body_part denotes juvenile http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0007021
T2 326-350 Body_part denotes myeloid progenitor cells http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CL_0000839
T3 354-365 Body_part denotes granulocyte http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CL_0000094
T4 366-376 Body_part denotes macrophage http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CL_0000235
T5 804-822 Body_part denotes hematopoietic cell http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CL_0000988
T6 1182-1200 Body_part denotes hematopoietic cell http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CL_0000988


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T-0 108-117 VAR denotes Mutations
T-1 121-126 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-2 144-149 REG denotes cause
T-3 150-165 POSREG denotes hyperactivation
T-4 173-191 MPA denotes catalytic activity
T-5 202-212 REG denotes identified
T-6 222-231 DISEASE denotes leukemias
T-7 246-278 DISEASE denotes juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
T-8 289-302 REG denotes characterized
T-9 306-322 POSREG denotes hypersensitivity
T-10 326-350 CPA denotes myeloid progenitor cells
T-11 354-402 GENE denotes granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor
T-12 407-425 GENE denotes interleukin (IL)-3
T-13 470-486 POSREG denotes gain-of-function
T-14 488-491 POSREG denotes GOF
T-15 493-502 VAR denotes mutations
T-16 512-518 REG denotes induce
T-17 519-545 DISEASE denotes hematopoietic malignancies
T-18 609-614 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-19 615-620 REG denotes plays
T-20 642-646 GENE denotes IL-3
T-21 729-743 POSREG denotes overexpression
T-22 779-789 NEGREG denotes attenuates
T-23 790-803 GENE denotes IL-3-mediated
T-24 804-831 CPA denotes hematopoietic cell function
T-25 840-851 POSREG denotes accelerated
T-26 852-869 MPA denotes dephosphorylation
T-27 873-878 GENE denotes STAT5
T-28 939-948 DISEASE denotes leukemias
T-29 964-974 REG denotes attributed
T-30 982-991 POSREG denotes increased
T-31 992-1010 MPA denotes catalytic activity
T-32 1014-1017 POSREG denotes GOF
T-33 1018-1024 VAR denotes mutant
T-34 1025-1030 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-35 1032-1035 POSREG denotes GOF
T-36 1043-1048 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-37 1059-1065 POSREG denotes gained
T-38 1077-1087 MPA denotes capacities
T-39 1131-1138 REG denotes effects
T-40 1144-1147 POSREG denotes GOF
T-41 1148-1156 VAR denotes mutation
T-42 1167-1172 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-43 1182-1209 CPA denotes hematopoietic cell function
T-44 1214-1218 GENE denotes IL-3
T-45 1283-1288 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-46 1320-1333 VAR denotes E76K mutation
T-47 1334-1340 REG denotes caused
T-48 1341-1367 DISEASE denotes myeloproliferative disease
T-49 1410-1419 NEGREG denotes decreased
T-50 1420-1443 CPA denotes hematopoietic potential
T-51 1494-1507 VAR denotes E76K mutation
T-52 1548-1557 POSREG denotes increased
T-53 1558-1570 INTERACTION denotes interactions
T-54 1574-1580 VAR denotes mutant
T-55 1581-1586 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-56 1592-1596 GENE denotes Grb2
T-57 1598-1602 GENE denotes Gab2
T-58 1608-1611 GENE denotes p85
T-59 1613-1620 REG denotes leading
T-60 1624-1639 POSREG denotes hyperactivation
T-61 1664-1709 PATHWAY denotes phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways
T-62 1748-1756 POSREG denotes increase
T-63 1764-1782 MPA denotes catalytic activity
T-64 1784-1801 MPA denotes dephosphorylation
T-65 1805-1810 GENE denotes STAT5
T-66 1814-1819 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-67 1820-1824 VAR denotes E76K
T-68 1829-1837 NEGREG denotes dampened
T-69 1875-1880 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-70 1905-1919 VAR denotes C459S mutation
T-71 1947-1955 POSREG denotes increase
T-72 1960-1971 INTERACTION denotes interaction
T-73 1977-1981 GENE denotes Gab2
T-74 1989-1996 POSREG denotes enhance
T-75 2019-2031 PATHWAY denotes PI3K pathway
T-76 2095-2103 POSREG denotes elevated
T-77 2104-2122 MPA denotes catalytic activity
T-78 2136-2143 REG denotes changes
T-79 2171-2183 INTERACTION denotes interactions
T-80 2192-2195 POSREG denotes GOF
T-81 2203-2208 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-82 2237-2241 REG denotes play
T-83 2255-2259 REG denotes role
R-0 T-0 T-2 CauseOf Mutations,cause
R-1 T-0 T-3 CauseOf Mutations,hyperactivation
R-2 T-0 T-9 CauseOf Mutations,hypersensitivity
R-3 T-1 T-0 ThemeOf SHP-2,Mutations
R-4 T-4 T-3 ThemeOf catalytic activity,hyperactivation
R-5 T-4 T-5 ThemeOf catalytic activity,identified
R-6 T-6 T-3 ThemeOf leukemias,hyperactivation
R-7 T-6 T-5 ThemeOf leukemias,identified
R-8 T-6 T-8 ThemeOf leukemias,characterized
R-9 T-6 T-9 ThemeOf leukemias,hypersensitivity
R-10 T-7 T-2 ThemeOf juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia,cause
R-11 T-7 T-3 ThemeOf juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia,hyperactivation
R-12 T-7 T-5 ThemeOf juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia,identified
R-13 T-7 T-8 ThemeOf juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia,characterized
R-14 T-7 T-9 ThemeOf juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia,hypersensitivity
R-15 T-9 T-8 ThemeOf hypersensitivity,characterized
R-16 T-10 T-9 ThemeOf myeloid progenitor cells,hypersensitivity
R-17 T-10 T-8 ThemeOf myeloid progenitor cells,characterized
R-18 T-11 T-8 ThemeOf granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor,characterized
R-19 T-11 T-9 ThemeOf granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor,hypersensitivity
R-20 T-11 T-10 ThemeOf granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor,myeloid progenitor cells
R-21 T-12 T-9 ThemeOf interleukin (IL)-3,hypersensitivity
R-22 T-12 T-10 ThemeOf interleukin (IL)-3,myeloid progenitor cells
R-47 T-35 T-37 CauseOf GOF,gained
R-57 T-46 T-49 CauseOf E76K mutation,decreased
R-58 T-48 T-47 ThemeOf myeloproliferative disease,caused
R-59 T-50 T-49 ThemeOf hematopoietic potential,decreased
R-60 T-51 T-52 CauseOf E76K mutation,increased
R-61 T-51 T-59 CauseOf E76K mutation,leading
R-62 T-51 T-60 CauseOf E76K mutation,hyperactivation
R-63 T-53 T-52 ThemeOf interactions,increased
R-64 T-54 T-53 ThemeOf mutant,interactions
R-65 T-54 T-59 CauseOf mutant,leading
R-66 T-54 T-60 CauseOf mutant,hyperactivation
R-67 T-55 T-53 ThemeOf SHP-2,interactions
R-68 T-55 T-54 ThemeOf SHP-2,mutant
R-69 T-56 T-53 ThemeOf Grb2,interactions
R-70 T-56 T-54 ThemeOf Grb2,mutant
R-71 T-57 T-53 ThemeOf Gab2,interactions
R-72 T-57 T-54 ThemeOf Gab2,mutant
R-73 T-58 T-53 ThemeOf p85,interactions
R-94 T-81 T-79 ThemeOf SHP-2,interactions
R-95 T-83 T-82 ThemeOf role,play
R-23 T-14 T-16 CauseOf GOF,induce
R-24 T-15 T-13 CauseOf mutations,gain-of-function
R-25 T-15 T-16 CauseOf mutations,induce
R-26 T-17 T-16 ThemeOf hematopoietic malignancies,induce
R-27 T-18 T-19 ThemeOf SHP-2,plays
R-28 T-20 T-19 ThemeOf IL-3,plays
R-29 T-21 T-22 CauseOf overexpression,attenuates
R-30 T-21 T-25 CauseOf overexpression,accelerated
R-31 T-23 T-22 ThemeOf IL-3-mediated,attenuates
R-32 T-24 T-23 ThemeOf hematopoietic cell function,IL-3-mediated
R-33 T-24 T-22 ThemeOf hematopoietic cell function,attenuates
R-34 T-26 T-25 ThemeOf dephosphorylation,accelerated
R-35 T-27 T-26 ThemeOf STAT5,dephosphorylation
R-36 T-27 T-25 ThemeOf STAT5,accelerated
R-37 T-28 T-29 ThemeOf leukemias,attributed
R-38 T-28 T-30 ThemeOf leukemias,increased
R-39 T-31 T-30 ThemeOf catalytic activity,increased
R-40 T-31 T-32 ThemeOf catalytic activity,GOF
R-41 T-33 T-30 CauseOf mutant,increased
R-42 T-33 T-32 CauseOf mutant,GOF
R-43 T-33 T-35 CauseOf mutant,GOF
R-44 T-33 T-37 CauseOf mutant,gained
R-45 T-34 T-31 ThemeOf SHP-2,catalytic activity
R-46 T-34 T-33 ThemeOf SHP-2,mutant
R-48 T-36 T-38 ThemeOf SHP-2,capacities
R-49 T-38 T-37 ThemeOf capacities,gained
R-50 T-39 T-40 ThemeOf effects,GOF
R-51 T-41 T-40 CauseOf mutation,GOF
R-52 T-42 T-39 ThemeOf SHP-2,effects
R-53 T-42 T-41 ThemeOf SHP-2,mutation
R-54 T-43 T-39 ThemeOf hematopoietic cell function,effects
R-55 T-43 T-40 ThemeOf hematopoietic cell function,GOF
R-56 T-46 T-47 CauseOf E76K mutation,caused
R-74 T-58 T-54 ThemeOf p85,mutant
R-75 T-61 T-60 ThemeOf phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways,hyperactivation
R-76 T-63 T-62 ThemeOf catalytic activity,increase
R-77 T-64 T-62 ThemeOf dephosphorylation,increase
R-78 T-65 T-64 ThemeOf STAT5,dephosphorylation
R-79 T-64 T-68 ThemeOf dephosphorylation,dampened
R-80 T-65 T-67 ThemeOf STAT5,E76K
R-81 T-66 T-64 ThemeOf SHP-2,dephosphorylation
R-82 T-66 T-67 ThemeOf SHP-2,E76K
R-83 T-67 T-62 CauseOf E76K,increase
R-84 T-67 T-68 CauseOf E76K,dampened
R-85 T-69 T-70 ThemeOf SHP-2,C459S mutation
R-86 T-70 T-71 CauseOf C459S mutation,increase
R-87 T-70 T-74 CauseOf C459S mutation,enhance
R-88 T-72 T-71 ThemeOf interaction,increase
R-89 T-73 T-72 ThemeOf Gab2,interaction
R-90 T-75 T-74 ThemeOf PI3K pathway,enhance
R-91 T-77 T-76 ThemeOf catalytic activity,elevated
R-92 T-79 T-78 ThemeOf interactions,changes
R-93 T-79 T-80 ThemeOf interactions,GOF


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T-0 0-7 REG denotes Effects
T-1 33-49 POSREG denotes gain-of-function
T-2 50-58 VAR denotes mutation
T-3 62-79 GENE denotes SHP-2 phosphatase
T-4 108-117 VAR denotes Mutations
T-5 121-138 GENE denotes SHP-2 phosphatase
T-6 144-149 REG denotes cause
T-7 150-165 POSREG denotes hyperactivation
T-8 173-191 MPA denotes catalytic activity
T-9 202-212 REG denotes identified
T-10 222-231 DISEASE denotes leukemias
T-11 246-278 DISEASE denotes juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
T-12 289-302 REG denotes characterized
T-13 306-322 POSREG denotes hypersensitivity
T-14 470-486 POSREG denotes gain-of-function
T-15 488-491 POSREG denotes GOF
T-16 493-502 VAR denotes mutations
T-17 506-511 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-18 512-518 REG denotes induce
T-19 519-545 DISEASE denotes hematopoietic malignancies
T-20 609-614 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-21 729-743 POSREG denotes overexpression
T-22 773-778 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-23 779-789 NEGREG denotes attenuates
T-24 804-831 CPA denotes hematopoietic cell function
T-25 840-851 POSREG denotes accelerated
T-26 852-869 MPA denotes dephosphorylation
T-27 873-878 GENE denotes STAT5
T-28 922-938 GENE denotes SHP-2-associated
T-29 939-948 DISEASE denotes leukemias
T-30 964-974 REG denotes attributed
T-31 982-991 POSREG denotes increased
T-32 992-1010 MPA denotes catalytic activity
T-33 1014-1017 POSREG denotes GOF
T-34 1018-1024 VAR denotes mutant
T-35 1025-1030 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-36 1032-1035 POSREG denotes GOF
T-37 1036-1042 VAR denotes mutant
T-38 1043-1048 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-39 1059-1065 POSREG denotes gained
T-40 1131-1138 REG denotes effects
T-41 1144-1147 POSREG denotes GOF
T-42 1148-1156 VAR denotes mutation
T-43 1160-1165 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-44 1167-1172 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-45 1173-1177 VAR denotes E76K
T-46 1182-1209 CPA denotes hematopoietic cell function
T-47 1283-1288 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-48 1314-1319 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-49 1320-1333 VAR denotes E76K mutation
T-50 1334-1340 REG denotes caused
T-51 1341-1367 DISEASE denotes myeloproliferative disease
T-52 1404-1409 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-53 1410-1419 NEGREG denotes decreased
T-54 1420-1443 CPA denotes hematopoietic potential
T-55 1494-1507 VAR denotes E76K mutation
T-56 1548-1557 POSREG denotes increased
T-57 1558-1570 INTERACTION denotes interactions
T-58 1574-1580 VAR denotes mutant
T-59 1581-1586 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-60 1592-1596 GENE denotes Grb2
T-61 1598-1602 GENE denotes Gab2
T-62 1608-1611 GENE denotes p85
T-63 1613-1620 REG denotes leading
T-64 1624-1639 POSREG denotes hyperactivation
T-65 1748-1756 POSREG denotes increase
T-66 1764-1782 MPA denotes catalytic activity
T-67 1784-1801 MPA denotes dephosphorylation
T-68 1805-1810 GENE denotes STAT5
T-69 1814-1819 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-70 1820-1824 VAR denotes E76K
T-71 1829-1837 NEGREG denotes dampened
T-72 1866-1874 NEGREG denotes inactive
T-73 1875-1880 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-74 1881-1885 VAR denotes E76K
T-75 1905-1919 VAR denotes C459S mutation
T-76 1947-1955 POSREG denotes increase
T-77 1960-1971 INTERACTION denotes interaction
T-78 1977-1981 GENE denotes Gab2
T-79 1989-1996 POSREG denotes enhance
T-80 2019-2031 PATHWAY denotes PI3K pathway
T-81 2095-2103 POSREG denotes elevated
T-82 2104-2122 MPA denotes catalytic activity
T-83 2136-2143 REG denotes changes
T-84 2196-2202 VAR denotes mutant
T-85 2203-2208 GENE denotes SHP-2
T-86 2237-2241 REG denotes play
T-87 2255-2259 REG denotes role
T-88 2263-2276 GENE denotes SHP-2-related
T-89 2277-2291 DISEASE denotes leukemigenesis
R-0 T-0 T-2 CauseOf Effects,mutation
R-1 T-0 T-3 ThemeOf Effects,SHP-2 phosphatase
R-2 T-1 T-2 CauseOf gain-of-function,mutation
R-3 T-1 T-3 ThemeOf gain-of-function,SHP-2 phosphatase
R-4 T-2 T-3 ThemeOf mutation,SHP-2 phosphatase
R-5 T-4 T-5 ThemeOf Mutations,SHP-2 phosphatase
R-6 T-4 T-6 CauseOf Mutations,cause
R-7 T-4 T-7 CauseOf Mutations,hyperactivation
R-8 T-4 T-9 CauseOf Mutations,identified
R-9 T-4 T-12 CauseOf Mutations,characterized
R-10 T-4 T-13 CauseOf Mutations,hypersensitivity
R-11 T-5 T-10 A SHP-2 phosphatase,leukemias
R-12 T-5 T-11 A SHP-2 phosphatase,juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
R-13 T-6 T-8 ThemeOf cause,catalytic activity
R-14 T-6 T-10 ThemeOf cause,leukemias
R-15 T-6 T-11 ThemeOf cause,juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
R-16 T-7 T-8 ThemeOf hyperactivation,catalytic activity
R-17 T-7 T-9 ThemeOf hyperactivation,identified
R-18 T-7 T-10 ThemeOf hyperactivation,leukemias
R-19 T-7 T-11 ThemeOf hyperactivation,juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
R-20 T-8 T-9 ThemeOf catalytic activity,identified
R-21 T-8 T-12 ThemeOf catalytic activity,characterized
R-22 T-8 T-13 ThemeOf catalytic activity,hypersensitivity
R-23 T-9 T-10 ThemeOf identified,leukemias
R-24 T-9 T-11 ThemeOf identified,juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
R-25 T-9 T-12 ThemeOf identified,characterized
R-26 T-10 T-12 ThemeOf leukemias,characterized
R-27 T-10 T-13 ThemeOf leukemias,hypersensitivity
R-28 T-11 T-12 ThemeOf juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia,characterized
R-29 T-11 T-13 ThemeOf juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia,hypersensitivity
R-30 T-12 T-13 ThemeOf characterized,hypersensitivity
R-31 T-14 T-16 CauseOf gain-of-function,mutations
R-32 T-14 T-18 CauseOf gain-of-function,induce
R-33 T-15 T-16 CauseOf GOF,mutations
R-34 T-15 T-17 ThemeOf GOF,SHP-2
R-35 T-15 T-18 CauseOf GOF,induce
R-36 T-16 T-17 ThemeOf mutations,SHP-2
R-37 T-16 T-18 CauseOf mutations,induce
R-38 T-17 T-18 ThemeOf SHP-2,induce
R-39 T-17 T-19 A SHP-2,hematopoietic malignancies
R-40 T-18 T-19 ThemeOf induce,hematopoietic malignancies
R-106 T-57 T-61 ThemeOf interactions,Gab2
R-41 T-21 T-22 ThemeOf overexpression,SHP-2
R-42 T-21 T-23 CauseOf overexpression,attenuates
R-43 T-21 T-25 CauseOf overexpression,accelerated
R-44 T-22 T-23 ThemeOf SHP-2,attenuates
R-45 T-23 T-24 ThemeOf attenuates,hematopoietic cell function
R-46 T-23 T-25 CauseOf attenuates,accelerated
R-47 T-25 T-26 ThemeOf accelerated,dephosphorylation
R-48 T-25 T-27 ThemeOf accelerated,STAT5
R-49 T-26 T-27 ThemeOf dephosphorylation,STAT5
R-50 T-28 T-31 CauseOf SHP-2-associated,increased
R-51 T-29 T-30 ThemeOf leukemias,attributed
R-52 T-29 T-35 A leukemias,SHP-2
R-53 T-30 T-32 ThemeOf attributed,catalytic activity
R-54 T-30 T-33 CauseOf attributed,GOF
R-55 T-30 T-34 CauseOf attributed,mutant
R-56 T-31 T-32 ThemeOf increased,catalytic activity
R-57 T-31 T-33 CauseOf increased,GOF
R-58 T-31 T-34 CauseOf increased,mutant
R-59 T-31 T-35 ThemeOf increased,SHP-2
R-60 T-32 T-33 ThemeOf catalytic activity,GOF
R-61 T-32 T-34 ThemeOf catalytic activity,mutant
R-62 T-32 T-35 ThemeOf catalytic activity,SHP-2
R-63 T-33 T-34 CauseOf GOF,mutant
R-64 T-33 T-35 ThemeOf GOF,SHP-2
R-65 T-34 T-35 ThemeOf mutant,SHP-2
R-66 T-36 T-37 CauseOf GOF,mutant
R-67 T-36 T-38 ThemeOf GOF,SHP-2
R-68 T-36 T-39 CauseOf GOF,gained
R-69 T-37 T-38 ThemeOf mutant,SHP-2
R-70 T-37 T-39 CauseOf mutant,gained
R-71 T-38 T-39 ThemeOf SHP-2,gained
R-72 T-40 T-41 ThemeOf effects,GOF
R-73 T-40 T-42 CauseOf effects,mutation
R-74 T-40 T-43 ThemeOf effects,SHP-2
R-75 T-40 T-44 ThemeOf effects,SHP-2
R-76 T-40 T-46 ThemeOf effects,hematopoietic cell function
R-77 T-41 T-42 CauseOf GOF,mutation
R-78 T-41 T-43 ThemeOf GOF,SHP-2
R-79 T-41 T-44 ThemeOf GOF,SHP-2
R-80 T-41 T-45 CauseOf GOF,E76K
R-81 T-41 T-46 ThemeOf GOF,hematopoietic cell function
R-82 T-42 T-43 ThemeOf mutation,SHP-2
R-83 T-42 T-44 ThemeOf mutation,SHP-2
R-84 T-42 T-47 ThemeOf mutation,SHP-2
R-85 T-43 T-45 ThemeOf SHP-2,E76K
R-86 T-44 T-45 ThemeOf SHP-2,E76K
R-87 T-45 T-47 ThemeOf E76K,SHP-2
R-88 T-48 T-49 ThemeOf SHP-2,E76K mutation
R-89 T-48 T-51 A SHP-2,myeloproliferative disease
R-90 T-49 T-50 CauseOf E76K mutation,caused
R-91 T-49 T-53 CauseOf E76K mutation,decreased
R-92 T-50 T-51 ThemeOf caused,myeloproliferative disease
R-93 T-52 T-53 ThemeOf SHP-2,decreased
R-94 T-53 T-54 ThemeOf decreased,hematopoietic potential
R-95 T-55 T-56 CauseOf E76K mutation,increased
R-96 T-55 T-59 ThemeOf E76K mutation,SHP-2
R-97 T-55 T-63 CauseOf E76K mutation,leading
R-98 T-55 T-64 CauseOf E76K mutation,hyperactivation
R-99 T-56 T-57 ThemeOf increased,interactions
R-100 T-56 T-58 CauseOf increased,mutant
R-101 T-56 T-63 CauseOf increased,leading
R-102 T-56 T-64 CauseOf increased,hyperactivation
R-103 T-57 T-58 ThemeOf interactions,mutant
R-104 T-57 T-59 ThemeOf interactions,SHP-2
R-105 T-57 T-60 ThemeOf interactions,Grb2
R-107 T-57 T-62 ThemeOf interactions,p85
R-108 T-58 T-59 ThemeOf mutant,SHP-2
R-109 T-58 T-60 ThemeOf mutant,Grb2
R-110 T-58 T-61 ThemeOf mutant,Gab2
R-111 T-58 T-62 ThemeOf mutant,p85
R-112 T-58 T-63 CauseOf mutant,leading
R-113 T-58 T-64 CauseOf mutant,hyperactivation
R-114 T-63 T-64 CauseOf leading,hyperactivation
R-115 T-65 T-66 ThemeOf increase,catalytic activity
R-116 T-65 T-67 ThemeOf increase,dephosphorylation
R-117 T-65 T-68 ThemeOf increase,STAT5
R-118 T-65 T-69 ThemeOf increase,SHP-2
R-119 T-65 T-70 CauseOf increase,E76K
R-120 T-65 T-71 CauseOf increase,dampened
R-121 T-66 T-67 ThemeOf catalytic activity,dephosphorylation
R-122 T-66 T-69 ThemeOf catalytic activity,SHP-2
R-123 T-66 T-71 ThemeOf catalytic activity,dampened
R-124 T-67 T-68 ThemeOf dephosphorylation,STAT5
R-125 T-67 T-69 ThemeOf dephosphorylation,SHP-2
R-126 T-67 T-70 ThemeOf dephosphorylation,E76K
R-127 T-67 T-71 ThemeOf dephosphorylation,dampened
R-128 T-68 T-70 ThemeOf STAT5,E76K
R-129 T-68 T-71 ThemeOf STAT5,dampened
R-130 T-69 T-70 ThemeOf SHP-2,E76K
R-131 T-69 T-71 ThemeOf SHP-2,dampened
R-132 T-72 T-73 ThemeOf inactive,SHP-2
R-133 T-72 T-74 CauseOf inactive,E76K
R-134 T-72 T-75 CauseOf inactive,C459S mutation
R-135 T-72 T-76 CauseOf inactive,increase
R-136 T-72 T-79 CauseOf inactive,enhance
R-137 T-73 T-74 ThemeOf SHP-2,E76K
R-138 T-73 T-75 ThemeOf SHP-2,C459S mutation
R-139 T-73 T-77 ThemeOf SHP-2,interaction
R-140 T-74 T-76 CauseOf E76K,increase
R-141 T-74 T-79 CauseOf E76K,enhance
R-142 T-75 T-76 CauseOf C459S mutation,increase
R-143 T-75 T-79 CauseOf C459S mutation,enhance
R-144 T-76 T-77 ThemeOf increase,interaction
R-145 T-76 T-78 ThemeOf increase,Gab2
R-146 T-76 T-79 CauseOf increase,enhance
R-147 T-77 T-78 ThemeOf interaction,Gab2
R-148 T-77 T-79 ThemeOf interaction,enhance
R-149 T-77 T-80 ThemeOf interaction,PI3K pathway
R-150 T-79 T-80 ThemeOf enhance,PI3K pathway
R-151 T-81 T-82 ThemeOf elevated,catalytic activity
R-152 T-81 T-83 CauseOf elevated,changes
R-153 T-81 T-84 CauseOf elevated,mutant
R-154 T-81 T-86 CauseOf elevated,play
R-155 T-82 T-83 ThemeOf catalytic activity,changes
R-156 T-83 T-84 CauseOf changes,mutant
R-157 T-83 T-85 ThemeOf changes,SHP-2
R-158 T-83 T-86 CauseOf changes,play
R-159 T-83 T-87 CauseOf changes,role
R-160 T-83 T-88 CauseOf changes,SHP-2-related
R-161 T-83 T-89 ThemeOf changes,leukemigenesis
R-162 T-84 T-85 ThemeOf mutant,SHP-2
R-163 T-84 T-86 CauseOf mutant,play
R-164 T-84 T-87 CauseOf mutant,role
R-165 T-85 T-86 ThemeOf SHP-2,play
R-166 T-85 T-87 ThemeOf SHP-2,role
R-167 T-86 T-87 ThemeOf play,role
R-168 T-86 T-88 CauseOf play,SHP-2-related
R-169 T-86 T-89 ThemeOf play,leukemigenesis
R-170 T-87 T-88 ThemeOf role,SHP-2-related
R-171 T-87 T-89 ThemeOf role,leukemigenesis


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 0-107 Sentence denotes Effects of a leukemia-associated gain-of-function mutation of SHP-2 phosphatase on interleukin-3 signaling.
T2 108-426 Sentence denotes Mutations in SHP-2 phosphatase that cause hyperactivation of its catalytic activity have been identified in human leukemias, particularly juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, which is characterized by hypersensitivity of myeloid progenitor cells to granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor and interleukin (IL)-3.
T3 427-571 Sentence denotes However, the molecular mechanisms by which gain-of-function (GOF) mutations of SHP-2 induce hematopoietic malignancies are not fully understood.
T4 572-879 Sentence denotes Our previous studies have shown that SHP-2 plays an essential role in IL-3 signal transduction in both catalytic-dependent and -independent manners and that overexpression (5-6-fold) of wild type (WT) SHP-2 attenuates IL-3-mediated hematopoietic cell function through accelerated dephosphorylation of STAT5.
T5 880-1031 Sentence denotes These results raised the possibility that SHP-2-associated leukemias are not solely attributed to the increased catalytic activity of GOF mutant SHP-2.
T6 1032-1088 Sentence denotes GOF mutant SHP-2 must have gained additional capacities.
T7 1089-1289 Sentence denotes To test this possibility, we investigated effects of a GOF mutation of SHP-2 (SHP-2 E76K) on hematopoietic cell function and IL-3 signal transduction by comparing with those of overexpressed WT SHP-2.
T8 1290-1489 Sentence denotes Our results showed that SHP-2 E76K mutation caused myeloproliferative disease in mice, while overexpression of WT SHP-2 decreased hematopoietic potential of the transduced cells in recipient animals.
T9 1490-1710 Sentence denotes The E76K mutation in the N-terminal Src homology 2 domain increased interactions of mutant SHP-2 with Grb2, Gab2, and p85, leading to hyperactivation of IL-3-induced Erk and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways.
T10 1711-1838 Sentence denotes In addition, despite the substantial increase in the catalytic activity, dephosphorylation of STAT5 by SHP-2 E76K was dampened.
T11 1839-2032 Sentence denotes Furthermore, catalytically inactive SHP-2 E76K with an additional C459S mutation retained the capability to increase the interaction with Gab2 and to enhance the activation of the PI3K pathway.
T12 2033-2292 Sentence denotes Taken together, these studies suggest that in addition to the elevated catalytic activity, fundamental changes in physical and functional interactions between GOF mutant SHP-2 and signaling partners also play an important role in SHP-2-related leukemigenesis.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 183-191 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0001658 denotes activity
T2 326-350 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CL_0000839 denotes myeloid progenitor cells
T3 345-350 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells
T4 804-822 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CL_0000988 denotes hematopoietic cell
T5 818-822 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cell
T6 1002-1010 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0001658 denotes activity
T7 1182-1200 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CL_0000988 denotes hematopoietic cell
T8 1196-1200 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cell
T9 1462-1467 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells
T10 1526-1529 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0009132 denotes Src
T11 1774-1782 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0001658 denotes activity
T12 2001-2011 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0001658 denotes activation
T13 2114-2122 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0001658 denotes activity


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue mondo_id
T1 13-21 Disease denotes leukemia http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0005059
T2 222-231 Disease denotes leukemias http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0005059
T3 246-278 Disease denotes juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0011908
T4 306-322 Disease denotes hypersensitivity http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0000605|http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0005271
T6 939-948 Disease denotes leukemias http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0005059


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue db_id
T1 216-221 OrganismTaxon denotes human NCBItxid:9606
T2 1371-1375 OrganismTaxon denotes mice NCBItxid:10088|NCBItxid:10095


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 150-165 HP_0000752 denotes hyperactivation
T2 222-231 HP_0001909 denotes leukemias
T3 246-278 HP_0012209 denotes juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
T4 270-278 HP_0001909 denotes leukemia
T5 939-948 HP_0001909 denotes leukemias
T6 1624-1639 HP_0000752 denotes hyperactivation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
16371368-7#30#34#geners121918464 1320-1324 geners121918464 denotes E76K
16371368-7#51#77#diseaseC0027022 1341-1367 diseaseC0027022 denotes myeloproliferative disease
30#34#geners12191846451#77#diseaseC0027022 16371368-7#30#34#geners121918464 16371368-7#51#77#diseaseC0027022 associated_with E76K,myeloproliferative disease


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
16371368-0#62#67#gene5781 62-67 gene5781 denotes SHP-2
16371368-0#13#21#diseaseC0023418 13-21 diseaseC0023418 denotes leukemia
16371368-1#246#294#gene1437 354-402 gene1437 denotes granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor
16371368-1#138#170#diseaseC0349639 246-278 diseaseC0349639 denotes juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
16371368-2#79#84#gene5781 506-511 gene5781 denotes SHP-2
16371368-2#92#118#diseaseC0376544 519-545 diseaseC0376544 denotes hematopoietic malignancies
16371368-7#24#29#gene5781 1314-1319 gene5781 denotes SHP-2
16371368-7#114#119#gene5781 1404-1409 gene5781 denotes SHP-2
16371368-7#51#77#diseaseC0027022 1341-1367 diseaseC0027022 denotes myeloproliferative disease
62#67#gene578113#21#diseaseC0023418 16371368-0#62#67#gene5781 16371368-0#13#21#diseaseC0023418 associated_with SHP-2,leukemia
246#294#gene1437138#170#diseaseC0349639 16371368-1#246#294#gene1437 16371368-1#138#170#diseaseC0349639 associated_with granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor,juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
79#84#gene578192#118#diseaseC0376544 16371368-2#79#84#gene5781 16371368-2#92#118#diseaseC0376544 associated_with SHP-2,hematopoietic malignancies
24#29#gene578151#77#diseaseC0027022 16371368-7#24#29#gene5781 16371368-7#51#77#diseaseC0027022 associated_with SHP-2,myeloproliferative disease
114#119#gene578151#77#diseaseC0027022 16371368-7#114#119#gene5781 16371368-7#51#77#diseaseC0027022 associated_with SHP-2,myeloproliferative disease


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 108-117 Var denotes Mutations
T2 121-126 Gene denotes SHP-2
T3 127-138 Enzyme denotes phosphatase
T4 150-165 PosReg denotes hyperactivation
T5 173-191 MPA denotes catalytic activity
T33 216-231 Disease denotes human leukemias
T34 246-278 Disease denotes juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
T10 1314-1319 Gene denotes SHP-2
T11 1320-1333 Var denotes E76K mutation
T12 1341-1375 Disease denotes myeloproliferative disease in mice
T13 1494-1547 Var denotes E76K mutation in the N-terminal Src homology 2 domain
T14 1548-1557 PosReg denotes increased
T15 1558-1570 Interaction denotes interactions
T18 1574-1580 Var denotes mutant
T17 1581-1586 Gene denotes SHP-2
T16 1592-1596 Protein denotes Grb2
T19 1624-1639 PosReg denotes hyperactivation
T20 1643-1709 Pathway denotes IL-3-induced Erk and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways
T25 1748-1756 PosReg denotes increase
T26 1764-1782 MPA denotes catalytic activity
T24 1784-1810 MPA denotes dephosphorylation of STAT5
T22 1814-1819 Gene denotes SHP-2
T23 1820-1824 Var denotes E76K
T21 1829-1837 NegReg denotes dampened
T27 1852-1919 Var denotes catalytically inactive SHP-2 E76K with an additional C459S mutation
T28 1947-1955 PosReg denotes increase
T29 1960-1971 Interaction denotes interaction
T30 1977-1981 Protein denotes Gab2
T31 1989-1996 PosReg denotes enhance
T32 2001-2031 Pathway denotes activation of the PI3K pathway
R1 T3 T2 ThemeOf phosphatase,SHP-2
R10 T17 T15 ThemeOf SHP-2,interactions
R11 T18 T17 ThemeOf mutant,SHP-2
R12 T14 T19 CauseOf increased,hyperactivation
R13 T20 T19 ThemeOf IL-3-induced Erk and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways,hyperactivation
R14 T26 T25 ThemeOf catalytic activity,increase
R15 T24 T21 ThemeOf dephosphorylation of STAT5,dampened
R16 T23 T22 ThemeOf E76K,SHP-2
R17 T22 T24 ThemeOf SHP-2,dephosphorylation of STAT5
R18 T27 T28 CauseOf catalytically inactive SHP-2 E76K with an additional C459S mutation,increase
R19 T29 T28 ThemeOf interaction,increase
R2 T2 T1 ThemeOf SHP-2,Mutations
R20 T30 T29 ThemeOf Gab2,interaction
R21 T27 T31 CauseOf catalytically inactive SHP-2 E76K with an additional C459S mutation,enhance
R22 T32 T31 ThemeOf activation of the PI3K pathway,enhance
R3 T1 T4 CauseOf Mutations,hyperactivation
R4 T5 T4 ThemeOf catalytic activity,hyperactivation
R5 T10 T11 ThemeOf SHP-2,E76K mutation
R6 T11 T12 CauseOf E76K mutation,myeloproliferative disease in mice
R7 T13 T14 CauseOf E76K mutation in the N-terminal Src homology 2 domain,increased
R8 T15 T14 ThemeOf interactions,increased
R9 T16 T15 ThemeOf Grb2,interactions


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 108-117 Var denotes Mutations
T2 121-126 Gene denotes SHP-2
T3 127-138 Enzyme denotes phosphatase
T4 150-165 PosReg denotes hyperactivation
T5 173-191 MPA denotes catalytic activity
T33 216-231 Disease denotes human leukemias
T34 246-278 Disease denotes juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
T10 1314-1319 Gene denotes SHP-2
T11 1320-1333 Var denotes E76K mutation
T12 1341-1375 Disease denotes myeloproliferative disease in mice
T13 1494-1547 Var denotes E76K mutation in the N-terminal Src homology 2 domain
T14 1548-1557 PosReg denotes increased
T15 1558-1570 Interaction denotes interactions
T18 1574-1580 Var denotes mutant
T17 1581-1586 Gene denotes SHP-2
T16 1592-1596 Protein denotes Grb2
T19 1624-1639 PosReg denotes hyperactivation
T20 1643-1709 Pathway denotes IL-3-induced Erk and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways
T25 1748-1756 PosReg denotes increase
T26 1764-1782 MPA denotes catalytic activity
T24 1784-1810 MPA denotes dephosphorylation of STAT5
T22 1814-1819 Gene denotes SHP-2
T23 1820-1824 Var denotes E76K
T21 1829-1837 NegReg denotes dampened
T27 1852-1919 Var denotes catalytically inactive SHP-2 E76K with an additional C459S mutation
T28 1947-1955 PosReg denotes increase
T29 1960-1971 Interaction denotes interaction
T30 1977-1981 Protein denotes Gab2
T31 1989-1996 PosReg denotes enhance
T32 2001-2031 Pathway denotes activation of the PI3K pathway
R1 T3 T2 ThemeOf phosphatase,SHP-2
R10 T17 T15 ThemeOf SHP-2,interactions
R11 T18 T17 ThemeOf mutant,SHP-2
R12 T14 T19 CauseOf increased,hyperactivation
R13 T20 T19 ThemeOf IL-3-induced Erk and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways,hyperactivation
R14 T26 T25 ThemeOf catalytic activity,increase
R15 T24 T21 ThemeOf dephosphorylation of STAT5,dampened
R16 T23 T22 ThemeOf E76K,SHP-2
R17 T22 T24 ThemeOf SHP-2,dephosphorylation of STAT5
R18 T27 T28 CauseOf catalytically inactive SHP-2 E76K with an additional C459S mutation,increase
R19 T29 T28 ThemeOf interaction,increase
R2 T2 T1 ThemeOf SHP-2,Mutations
R20 T30 T29 ThemeOf Gab2,interaction
R21 T27 T31 CauseOf catalytically inactive SHP-2 E76K with an additional C459S mutation,enhance
R22 T32 T31 ThemeOf activation of the PI3K pathway,enhance
R3 T1 T4 CauseOf Mutations,hyperactivation
R4 T5 T4 ThemeOf catalytic activity,hyperactivation
R5 T10 T11 ThemeOf SHP-2,E76K mutation
R6 T11 T12 CauseOf E76K mutation,myeloproliferative disease in mice
R7 T13 T14 CauseOf E76K mutation in the N-terminal Src homology 2 domain,increased
R8 T15 T14 ThemeOf interactions,increased
R9 T16 T15 ThemeOf Grb2,interactions


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T0 62-67 gene:5781 denotes SHP-2
T1 13-21 disease:C0023418 denotes leukemia
R1 T0 T1 associated_with SHP-2,leukemia