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PubMed:15448614 JSONTXT

PTEN regulatory functions in tumor suppression and cell biology. PTEN is a dual-specificity phosphatase with both protein phosphatase and lipid phosphatase activity. PTEN is the first phosphatase identified as a tumor suppressor. Not since the discovery of p53 has a tumor suppressor generated such interest. Initial studies performed on cancer cell lines suggested that PTEN may be responsible for almost all types of cancer, both solid tumors and hematological malignancies. Biallelic deletion of PTEN has been associated with advanced stage tumors or metastatic disease. PTEN has been shown to play a pivotal role in apoptosis, cell cycle arrest, and possibly cell migration. Emerging data suggest that this may be an oversimplification of PTEN's role, and that PTEN may be haploinsufficient for tumor progression and may play important roles in other cellular functions such as angiogenesis and MAP kinase signaling.

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