Cannabis Use Of the 105 respondents that used cannabis before the lockdown, 26 respondents (0.7% of the total sample) stopped using during the lockdown. Of the 3,527 respondents not using cannabis before the lockdown, 31 started using cannabis during the lockdown (0.9% of the total sample; p = 0.597). Of all respondents, only 2.1% stated that they used more cannabis than before and only 1.1% stated to consume less during the lockdown. There was no statistically significant difference between the number of joints per day before and during the lockdown (0.1 ± 0.5 joints per day, range 0–8, and 0.1 ± 0.4 joints per day, range 0–5; p = 0.508). As a result, no regression analysis was performed.