There were statistically significant differences between the two groups of patients in terms of WBC, neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, and platelet counts that were obtained at hospital admission (p < 0.05). ROC analysis was used to determine cut-off values of the laboratory parameters obtained at the time of the first chest CT to predict the changes in the lung CT scores. Patients with a WBC count < 6 × 103/µL, neutrophil count < 3.3 × 103/µL, lymphocyte count < 1.7 × 103/µL, monocyte count < 0.55 × 103/µL, and platelet count < 230 × 103/µL, which were obtained correspondingly at the time of the first chest CT, were predicted to have elevated lung CT scores in the consecutive scan (Table 3). Table 3 Predictors at hospital admission for the progression of lung CT score Parameter Cut-off valuea AUC 95% confidence interval Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV (%) NPV (%) Std. Error p Lower Upper WBC count 6 0.850 0.651 1 85 85.7 94.4 66.7 0.102 0.007 Neutrophil count 3.3 0.757 0.531 0.983 75 71.4 88.2 50 0.115 0.046 Lymphocyte count 1.7 0.843 0.654 1 90 71.4 90.5 83.3 0.096 0.008 Monocyte count 0.55 0.757 0.510 1 70 57.1 82.4 40 0.126 0.046 Platelet count 230 0.929 0.813 1 95 85.7 95 85.7 0.059 0.001 aCut-off value is given as (× 103/µL). AUC area under curve, lymphocyte count (1–3.38 × 103/µL), monocyte count (0–0.8 × 103/µL), neutrophil count (2.02–7.46 × 103/µL), NPV negative predictive value, platelet count (150–450 × 103/µL), PPV positive predictive value, WBC white blood cells (4.5–11 × 103/µL)