It has been described by most of the authors that children have a milder disease than adults [2, 3] and immunocompromised patients do not seem to evolve differently [5]. Data in children is practically non-existent. Recently, a study carried out by the European Society for Gastroenterology (ESPGHAN), described children with inflammatory bowel disease who presented COVID-19 disease with a mild outpatient course [6]. In addition, they warned of the risk of developing acute exacerbations of the disease if immunosuppressant treatments were delayed. Data from cancer pediatric patients is scarce. A recent report from a childhood cancer center in Lombardy, Italy, reported five positive cases in childhood cancer patients and all of them had a mild course [7]. In fact, the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) highlighted that there is no reason to discontinue daily activities in pediatric hematology/oncology units; however, general principles for prevention were recommended [8].