The time varying patterns in local transmissions are evident using the rolling window analysis (Fig. 5). The upper left panel displays the estimated coefficients on local transmissions for various 14-day sub-samples with the starting date labelled on the horizontal axis. After a slight increase in the local transmission rates, one case generally leads to fewer and fewer additional cases a few days after January 19. Besides, the transmission rate displays a slight increase beginning around February 4, which corresponds to the return travels and work resumption after Chinese Spring Festival, but eventually decreases at around February 12. Such decrease may be partly attributed to the social distancing strategies at the city level, so we examine the impacts of relevant policies in Section 5. Moreover, the transmission rates in cities outside Hubei province have been kept at low levels throughout the whole sample period (columns (4) and (6) of Table 5). These results suggest that the policies adopted at the national and provincial levels soon after January 19 prevented cities outside Hubei from becoming new hotspots of infections. Overall, the spread of the virus has been effectively contained by mid February, particularly for cities outside Hubei province. Fig. 5 Rolling window analysis of within- and between-city transmission of COVID-19. This figure shows the estimated coefficients and 95% CIs from the instrumental variable regressions. The specification is the same as the IV regression models in Table 4. Each estimation sample contains 14 days with the starting date indicated on the horizontal axis