Characteristic Completed 2019-nCoV testing
No.* (%) Demographics Age group (yrs), median (IQR) 29 (21–49) <5 10 (5) 5–17 8 (4) 18–49 138 (66) 50–64 46 (22) ≥65 4 (2) Male sex 115 (55) Clinical features Signs or symptoms Subjective fever or measured temperature ≥100.4°F (≥38.0°C) 143 (68) Cough or shortness of breath 189 (90) Clinical Course Hospitalized 42 (20) Admitted to ICU 4 (2) Died† 1 (<1) Setting where patient identified Airport screening 6 (3) Health care setting 178 (85) Contact tracing§ 26 (12) Epidemiologic risk category Travel from China¶ 148 (70) Close contact with an ill laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV patient or a PUI in the United States** 42 (20) Travel from China and close contact identified†† 18 (9) Other risk§§ 2 (<1)