Fig. 1 Sgo1 expression in developing mice embryo. X-Gal stained sections were counterstained with Nuclear Fast Red and the anti-SGO1 immunostained sections were counterstained with methyl green. (A, B) A transverse section comparison between X-gal stained embyro versus anti-SGO1 immunostained embryo. (B′) A transverse section of E10.5 anti-SGO1 immunostain showed localization in CAC. (C, D) A comparison of Sgo1 expression in the neural tube between X-gal and anti-SGO1 immunostain at corresponding stages. (E) E15.5 retina showed minimal X-gal staining. (F, F′) E18.5 retina showed little X-gal stain. (G–I) Intestinal layer in corresponding stages. Lower aerobar indicates the intestinal epithelia. Upper aerobar indicates the intestinal mesenchyme. SGO1 localized to cells in the intestinal mesenchymal layers in E10.5 and E12.5. At E15.5, SGO1 localized to the cells at the border of the developing smooth muscle layer and serosa [black arrowheads]. LV: left ventricle, RV: right ventricle, OFT: outflow tract, CAC: common atrial chamber.