In addition, CNV genes were separated into three categories, duplication genes (genes overlapped by gain CNVs), deletion genes (genes overlapped by deletion CNVs), and mixed genes (genes overlapped by mixed CNVs) (Supplementary Table 3), and enrichment analysis was performed separately for each group. GO slim terms antigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II, antigen processing and presentation, immune system process, and MHC protein complex were significantly overrepresented in the set of 25 genes overlapped by gain CNVs. For the 38 genes overlapped by deletion CNVs the terms response to toxic substance, response to stimulus, extracellular transport, sensory perception of smell, neurological system process, and regulation of biological process were significantly overrepresented. Genes overlapped by mixed CNVs had overrepresentation of GO terms response to interferon gamma, response to stimulus, response to toxic substance, sensory perception of smell, neurological system process, and regulation of biological process.