Certain upregulated cytoskeletal genes, such as MMP13, TAGLN, and CDC42SE1, have known associations with the cellular stress response. MMP13 codes for the protein collagenase 3, which is involved in connective tissue degradation and cytoskeletal component turnover (Knauper et al. 1996). Several other MMP family members were notably downregulated (Table S1); therefore, the roles of other family members in this process are likely more complex than the upregulation of a single gene. TAGLN codes for a calponin family protein, transgelin, which gels actin filaments and is overexpressed in senescent cells (Thweatt et al. 1992; Assinder et al. 2009). CDC42SE1 mediates cytoskeletal scaffold changes in response to immune signaling through CDC42 (Pirone et al. 2000). The upregulation of these genes indicates that some degree of cellular restructuring may take place in response to thermal stress.