Analysis SPSS 19 was employed for statistical analyses. In both participant groups, with the exception of antisaccade error and latency, the distribution of inhibition measures did not violate assumptions of normality (Shapiro–Wilks test) and parametric statistics were used in subsequent analyses. PPI was determined as a percentage and calculated for each ISI in each stimulus condition using the formula: Percent PPI = 100 × [(startle pulse only units - pre-pulse-startle pulse response units)/startle pulse only units]. PPI measures were examined using repeated measures t-tests and mixed model ANOVA (pre-pulse interval [120 ms, 480 ms] × attention [passive, active] × group). Antisaccade accuracy, amplitude and latency (of correct and incorrect trials separately) were calculated using software designed for eye movement analysis, and antisaccade accuracy data were examined using one-way ANOVAs. Independent samples t-tests, chi square and one-way ANOVA were used to examine demographic and executive functioning differences between groups. Parametric correlational analyses were conducted to examine relationships between executive functions and performance measures on antisaccade and PPI. Threshold set for significance was 0.05.